Episode 1 - Sunday August 16, 7pm - Facebook Live

The Sunday Night Smile is brought to you by the Emma Munson Foundation as a way to keep us connected and celebrate life around us. Think of it like a video newsletter that will hilight good things happening in our world, celebrate music and art and help promote our helping to take care of others.

Oh, and a way to give us all another smile.

Special Thanks to the following for helping to make this initial broadcast possible:

Drew Martier for being the singing voice of our foundation for recording songs as part of our soundtrack and for his live performances,

Melina Bowser for recording some music that we could share to help celebrate local artists (check her out at www.MelinaBowser.com),

Katie Petrovich for letting us come into her studio and help share a glimpse of why we think Small Business is HUGE - please help support her business by visiting www.KatiesClayStudio.com), and checking in with other small business owners in your area.

Thanks to the Internet for the videos that we used to help make us all feel the emotions of the human condition, you can find the original videos that we used at these links:
Rylyn Clark - for his great cover of Bob Marley's hit,
Happiness is helping others - it really is
Change The World by Kid President - I'd vote for him!
The magic of a smile - simple and beautiful

Thanks to Kid President for giving us a way to re-introduce our How Will You Change The World Today segment and to Nancy, Bas, Casey, Joe, Lucy & Fields for sharing your message with us - we LOVE how you're planning to do your part to help us change the world.

If you like what you saw (or didn't and want to help give us feedback) - please leave comments on Facebook/Instagram or email us at info@EmmaMunsonFoundation.com - we'd love to hear from you.

...and we'd love to do this again in September - check back for more info!

Much Love to you all!

Denise & Michael Munson